国際コミュニケーション学部 スピーチコンテストを開催


2016年のテーマ: あなたにとっての国際コミュニケーションとは?

• 海外研修や留学
• ボランティア活動
• 将来の夢や希望
• どうすればより良いグローバルコミュニケーションが築けるか


梅原 大輝(2回生)

小田 萌子(2回生)、多田 傑(2回生)

最優秀賞 祖母井 世和
½の人間: A half a man
優秀賞 中村都
第三位 奥村碧
最優秀賞(2人) 藤原 宙航
Life is beautiful
新田 理紗
1.5 Person: 知識で広げる世界の和
優秀賞 中村 魁
Learning how to talk: サッカーが教えてくれたもの
第三位 大部 宙

How to be friends with international people:

参加者からの感想 <日本語部門>

祖母井 世和 2回生

中村 都 1回生

奥村 碧 2回生


権 瞳

参加者からの感想 <英語部門>

新田 理紗 3回生
I am honored to receive this award. First of all, I greatly appreciate the support of my teachers, family and friends. "Slow and Steady wins the race" I got this experience from this speech contest. Without my friends, I would not have found out how important it is to prepare. I believe that having spent most of my time practicing with her made me strong on the stage, so I really enjoyed speaking about my idea. I want to keep trying more and more to completely become 1.5 person with that proverb engraved on my mind. Thank you, again.

藤原 宙航 2回生
This speech contest was a great experience for me. I didn’t have confidence in making a speech in front of the audience. It wasn’t easy for me to make this decision, but I really wanted to try something new. I am sure that anything could happen in life; it could turn into something good or bad. It is all depends on oneself. There are lots of things that I could learn from University. I had been spending mediocre days. Living a changeless life is comfortable. I don’t need to be chased by anxiety or some other stuff. I can do whatever I like. I think living this lifestyle is good, but I wanted a change in my daily life. I wanted to experience that which I have never experienced before. I thought the speech contest would be a great opportunity to satisfy those feelings. This was the first time for me to make a speech in front of an audience. I was really nervous before the speech, but I was able to say fluently what I wanted to say when I started talking. I didn’t feel as pressured as I had expected. I really enjoyed it. I would like to participate in the speech contest next year, too. Thank you all to the people who supported me and all the people who watched my speech.

中村 魁 2回生
First of all, thank you so much for organizing this event. This year was a bit different; last year I was a challenger who wasn’t afraid of anything, but this year I was the defending winner. The pressures, expectations, and beliefs were different from last year and I thought about not participating a couple of times. Through this competition, I learned that the result isn't everything, the important thing is what you do and what you learn. I tried to enjoy it as much as I could and put 120 % into my speech. I focused on the speed and emotions because last year I spoke too quickly even though there were a lot of Japanese audience members and I did it too seriously. In the very short time I wanted to give a theatrical experience to the audience. I don’t have the comedic timing to make all people in the audience laugh or the great originality in my speech to surprise the audience. I did what I could; I showed my passion, and used a boisterous voice and a lot of expressions. I hope the audience can make use of anything they felt from my speech to realize their own goals and try a lot of things to achieve them. I really appreciate the people who helped me through this competition. Without them, I wouldn't have enjoyed it. To be honest, I am very gutted that I came second, but at the same time, I’m happy to have got second place because now I can look back at my speech to see where I can improve. I might participate in the Japanese one next year. Once again, thank you very much.

大部 宙 3回生
At first I would like to say thank you to everyone who belongs with this wonderful event. I think it was a really good opportunity for everyone to listen to other people's ideas, thoughts and feelings and express how we think about "What International Communication means to you". It is really important to express ourselves, and tell people in society what we think, so it was great to practice to do that. Thank you all again.


Mark Sheehan
This year’s speech contest was special in many ways. The speeches showed great creativity and originality as students thought of ways to describe what international communication means to them. The focus was not only on language, but also on making connections through sports, non-verbal communication, and also with animals. Students worked hard to prepare and deliver their messages. This year, the judges awarded two first place prizes in the English section due to the high quality of the speeches. All of the students made great efforts to help the audience think about ways for people around the world to communicate better with each other and to make the world a better place. The quotation below from Maya Angelou is a good way to close out a reflection on this year’s speeches and what the students learned.

“We can learn to see each other and see ourselves in each other and recognize that human beings are more alike than we are unalike.”
--Maya Angelou
