国際コミュニケーション学部 スピーチ・コンテストを開催

10月27日(火)、国際コミュニケーション学部主催第6回スピーチ・コンテスト「Chance/Change: 千里の道も一歩から始まる。」を開催いたしました。このスピーチ・コンテストには、「日本語」、「英語」のいずれかで学生が皆に訴えかけたいメッセージや主張を伝え、その内容や表現力について競い合うものです。日本語部門6名、英語部門7名が本選に出場しました。今年度も学生組織が中心となり、開催の告知、当日の準備および進行を行いました。


鈴木翔也(4回生) 竹村新次郎(4回生) 


日 本 語 部 門
最優秀賞 矢野 未菜美 知るということ
優秀賞 畝田 美緒 笑うひとには福きたる
第三位 吉田 萌 私がつかんだチャンス
英 語 部 門
最優秀賞 中村 魁 Options in life
優秀賞 釜谷聖輝 Be yourself. Be who you want to be.
第三位 上野雄太 Sports for everyone


Kai Nakamura 1回生 国際コミュニケーション学部

This speech contest taught me that to achieve something I want to, I cannot do it by myself. All of my friends believed in me and supported me. Without that support, I could not have achieved what I wanted to. It was difficult to say what I wanted to in just five minutes. It was a short time to touch people’s hearts. However, these five minutes in front of everyone is engraved in my soul and will be a big help for my future. Thank you very much.

Satoki Kamatani 2回生

It seemed that many of the audience enjoyed listening to my speech about the things to do to realize a dream. I hope they will make use of anything they felt from my speech to realize their own dream. I'm happy to be the second place winner this year. Thank you for coming to the contest and listening to me. See you next year.

Yuta Ueno 2回生

First of all, thank you for organizing this wonderful opportunity. Through this contest, I got the confidence to speak in front of an audience. This year more than 300 students came to this contest to listen to our speeches. To be honest, I was surprised and nervous because of the large number of people. However, after I gave my speech to them, I found out that I changed positively. Everyone should try to take chances and jump up give your point of view. Thank you.

Ayumu Ishida 3回生

I was glad that everyone could come and enjoy this year's speech contest. I think it was a good opportunity to have students take a chance. I am happy that everyone had a nice time.


矢野未菜美 2回生


畝田美緒 3回生

今回のスピーチをするにあたり、たくさんの先生方、そして、国コミの先輩方には何度も何度もアドバイスを頂きました。本当に感謝しています。 ありがとうございました!

奥村碧 1回生


西岡潤 1回生

残念ながら入賞することは叶いませんでしたが、今回のスピーチを経て、引っ込み思案の僕にはあまり経験することのなかった、言いたいことを具現化する事ができるようになり、一歩成長した気がします。企画してくださった学生組織の方々、先生方、審査員の方々、自分を支援してくれた方々、そして、最後から2番目の出番だった僕のスピーチをしっかりと聞き、評価してくれた聞き手の皆様にこの場を借りて、感謝します。 ありがとうございました。

谷畠 嵩 1回生



Mark Sheehan

The 2015 International Communication speech contest was a great educational experience for the students who took the challenge to participate and also for the audience members who came to cheer on their classmates. This year, students gave serious thought to their speeches and worked hard to prepare for the big day. Students gave speeches about life-changing experiences they have had, and new perspectives they gained from traveling abroad; they also offered advice to their classmates on how to get the most out of their studies at university. The theme about taking a chance or making a change in your life was inspirational, and we were able to hear a number of ideas that went beyond “me” and tried to make greater connections to the world. Students spoke about important issues such as bullying, discrimination, and also the importance of equality, in particular, with regard to supporting disabled sports. As always, such a big event requires teamwork and effort. This year, student emcees did a wonderful job introducing and encouraging the speakers; student volunteers gave great support in organizing the event; university staff did a tremendous job taking care of so many details; audience members gave valuable advice and encouraging comments in their online peer feedback surveys; judges worked hard to judge the speeches fairly and accurately, and the kind teachers in English Space gave students excellent advice and many opportunities to practice their speeches. It was a pleasure to be a part of this event and see everyone take a chance and make a change so that they could learn and grow.

権 瞳
