第1回 阪南大学国際フォーラムが開催されました

第1回目は、スペインのバスク地方から来学された二人の先生「Jone Extebeste Goikoe」と「Susana Espilla Guenaga」の話を聞くために、約40名の学生と教職員が、50周年記念館2階※のスチューデント・コモンズに集まりました。フォーラムは全て英語で行われ、全員が真剣に聞き、積極的に質問をしていました。

※文化の違うポイント:イギリス、オーストラリアなどでは2階を「1st Floor」と呼び、日本での1階は「Ground Floor」と呼びます。

第2回 阪南大学国際フォーラムは 6月30日(木曜日) に開催する予定です。

詳細は流通学部の Martin Parsons (mp@hannan-u.ac.jp) まで連絡してください。

The Basque Country is a small region in south-western Europe.
It has seven provinces, four in Spain and three in France (see Map 1).

Map 1. Location of the Basque Country in Europe (Source: Wikimedia Commons, Zorion)
The Basque Country is home to one of the most unique languages in the world, Basque. Basque is the oldest language still in use in Europe, and amazingly is not related to any other language in the world. It is known as a language isolate.
Unfortunately, over time the Basque language has become dominated by French and Spanish, becoming a minority language in its own homeland. At one point, not so long ago, it was thought that the Basque language would simply die out.
However, over the last 40 years, through a great deal of hard work and through educational and social policy, the Basque language has been revived and normalised in some parts of Basque society, especially in the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC). The BAC is a part of Spain, and it comprises the provinces of Alava, Bicay and Gipuzkoa (see Map 2).

Map 2. The seven provinces of the Basque Country (Source: Wikimedia Commons, Willtron)

Until this effort was made, most people living in the area were monolingual Spanish speakers. Now, most people under the age of around 40 are bilingual to a greater or lesser extent.
In recent years, English has also become a common part of school education. At some schools, different subjects are taught in one of three languages. For example, maths and history might be taught in Basque, geography and music in English and PE and science in Spanish.
These efforts at improving language education have proved very successful. This suggests that we in Japan can learn something from the experiences of people in the Basque Autonomous Community and improve the quality of English language education in Japan.
At the forum, Martin Parsons, from the Faculty of Business, explained the historical background of the BAC and talked about some of the different policies and educational approaches adopted there. Following this, Jone and Susana talked about their own educational experiences and the projects they are working on, both in the BAC and in Europe.
We hope this will be the first of many interesting International Forums at Hannan University.

Basque Country - バスク地方
Basque Autonomous Community (BAC) - スペインのバスク自治地方
language isolate - 孤立語
dominate - 支配する
minority language - 少数派言語
policy - 政策
normalise - 〜を正常化する
revive - 回復する、復活する
comprise - 包含する
monolingual - 1言語使用
greater or lesser extent - ある程度
subject - 科目
proven - 〜であるとわかる
suggest - 暗示する

International Communication Department 3rd year student Satoki Kamatani

Those presentations were pretty amazing. Almost all the things were new and fun for me. Spanish teachers introduced their website that they are using in their school. Every single genre's stuffs can be used via website and they all are written in English. Their students often have collaboration activities with foreign countries' students. I'm really happy to have that great learning opportunity with Basque students. Thank you.